Bill Maher went off the rails Friday night over liberals who are boycotting Trump family members during the holidays.
The “Real Time” host got down and dirty over folks who view their political opponents as enemies and not worthy of company.
He has a great story … writer Larissa Phillips and her husband — both Brooklyn liberals — moved to upstate New York and had a swarm of neighbors who were Trumpers. Their fear turned into gratitude when they saw how their non-like-minded neighbors ended up being caring people. Bill’s words — “It’s almost like there are fine people on both sides.”
And there’s Amanda Calhoun, the Yale psychiatrist who advises people to feel free to boycott holiday dinners where the person sitting across from you is MAGA. He says even though she’s ridiculous and stupid, he’d still have dinner with HER, because isolating ourselves, as we know, is super unhealthy.
And then there’s a pretty hilarious Taylor/Travis joke wedged in.
Happy holidays!