660Lb Woman
Hauled to Hospital in a Tow Truck!!!

A 660-pound Thai woman was too big for a regular ride — so instead, she had to be strapped into a breakdown recovery tow truck to get to the hospital, as seen in this video.
Check it out — paramedics rushed to the home of 36-year-old Chatwisa in Ayutthaya, Thailand, after she started having trouble breathing. When they got there, they found her face down on the bed, slurping sugary milk tea from a bowl next to her mouth.
Paramedics inserted a tracheal tube to help her breathe, then had to knock down a bedroom wall and remove a door. It took more than 20 people to hoist her custom-made metal-framed bed outside to be loaded onto a tow truck — the same kind used to haul two-ton SUVs.
Shocked drivers caught the wild sight on camera as the tow truck rolled through traffic with Chatwisa lying on top — finally making it to Somdej Phra Sangkharat Hospital on Thursday afternoon.
But the struggle wasn’t over yet … getting her off the truck and into the hospital took some more effort.
Docs got to work fast — providing first aid, hooking her up to oxygen and an IV drip while they figure out a recovery plan for her … which included the order to stop eating immediately. She’s currently still in the hospital.
Chatwisa’s father told local press she’s battled weight issues since childhood, hitting 270kg (595 pounds) last year, which kept her mostly in bed. Since then, she’s gone up to her current weight of 300kg, leaving her completely bedbound.