Maya Hawke Doesn’t Want to Let the Vibe Die

Maya Hawke Doesn’t Want to Let the Vibe Die


I kind of hate technology, but I can’t lie about how much I use it — all the time. There are these essential things you need to bring with you, like power cords. I get very frustrated when I’m out in the world and don’t have my charger, and I’m like, “Oh no, I’ve got my headphones in and I’ve got my little vibe cooking, but my vibe is going to die any minute now!”


I have a particular addiction to a watercolor and gouache brand called Kissoh. The colors are so bright, and you can manipulate them with water and layer them really nicely. In my line of work, there’s a lot of downtime. There’s nothing better than visual arts to inspire your brain and keep you occupied.


I really want to be someone people can trust with their stories. Sometimes, you’re in a situation where you’re like, “Oh, no one would ever know if I told this story.” I’ve been working on it a lot.


Band-Aids, Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide and some Advil, especially when you travel. You never want to be in a foreign country and not have your fluconazole if you need it. I do get in my head when I feel unwell and I can get paranoid, so I like to have stuff with me to make myself feel like something’s not going to go horribly wrong. I’m sick right now, and it makes me feel better that I have my liposomal vitamin C and little weird tinctures to feel like I’m participating in my healing process.


I try not to have any secrets. Like, I don’t want to have it be a secret when I’m really mad at my brother. I’m just going to call and tell him I’m mad, and we’re going to try to work it through.


I like clothes that are comfortable. I don’t want elastic at the waist, I don’t want straps making red marks. An essential thing is: How can I look as dramatic as possible and feel as comfortable as possible? You’re not just in sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt, you’re kind of witchy, dramatic and fabulous. Nice flowy pants, a loosefitting black dress, and then a big black coat.

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