Microsoft’s Florence-2: Bridging the Gap Between LLMs and Large Vision Models

Microsoft’s Florence-2: Bridging the Gap Between LLMs and Large Vision Models

Luisa Crawford
Jul 16, 2024 02:18

Microsoft’s Florence-2 is a foundational image model capable of performing diverse computer vision tasks, inspired by the advancements in large language models (LLMs).

Microsoft's Florence-2: Bridging the Gap Between LLMs and Large Vision Models

Microsoft’s Florence-2 represents a significant leap in the field of computer vision, drawing inspiration from the advancements in large language models (LLMs) to create a foundational image model capable of performing a wide range of tasks. According to AssemblyAI, Florence-2 can execute nearly every common task in computer vision, marking a pivotal moment in the development of large vision models (LVMs).

Florence-2’s Capabilities

Florence-2 is designed to handle various image-language tasks, producing image-level, region-level, and pixel-level outputs. Some of the tasks it can perform out-of-the-box include captioning, optical character recognition (OCR), object detection, region detection, region segmentation, and vocabulary segmentation. This versatility is achieved without the need for architectural modifications, providing a seamless experience for users.

Challenges in Developing LVMs

One of the primary challenges in developing LVMs is instilling the ability to operate at different levels of semantic and spatial resolution. Florence-2 addresses this by leveraging a unified architecture and a large, diverse dataset, following the successful playbook of LLM research. This approach allows Florence-2 to learn general representations that are useful for a variety of tasks, making it a foundational model in the field of computer vision.

Architecture and Dataset

Florence-2 employs a classic seq2seq transformer architecture, where both visual and textual inputs are mapped into embeddings and fed into the transformer encoder-decoder. The model is trained using the FLD-5B dataset, which contains 5.4 billion annotations on 126 million images. This extensive dataset includes text annotations, text-region annotations, and text-phrase-region annotations, enabling the model to learn across various levels of granularity.

Training and Performance

Florence-2’s training process involves standard language modeling with cross-entropy loss. The model uses a singular network architecture, a large and diverse dataset, and a unified pre-training framework to achieve significant performance heights. The inclusion of location tokens in the tokenizer’s vocabulary allows Florence-2 to process region-specific information in a unified learning format, eliminating the need for task-specific heads for different tasks.

How to Use Florence-2

Getting started with Florence-2 is straightforward, with resources like the Florence-2 inference Colab and GitHub repository providing helpful guides and code snippets. Users can perform various tasks such as captioning, OCR, object detection, segmentation, region description, and phrase grounding by following the provided instructions.

Future Prospects

Florence-2 is a significant step forward in the development of LVMs, demonstrating strong zero-shot performance and attaining state-of-the-art results on several tasks once finetuned. However, further work is needed to develop an LVM that can perform novel tasks via in-context learning, similar to LLMs. Researchers and developers are encouraged to explore Florence-2 and contribute to its ongoing development.

For more information on the development of LVMs and other AI advancements, subscribe to AssemblyAI’s newsletter and check out their other resources on AI progress.

Image source: Shutterstock

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