Essential Questions for Ensuring Speech-to-Text Data Security

Essential Questions for Ensuring Speech-to-Text Data Security

Luisa Crawford
Jul 18, 2024 15:53

Explore critical questions to ask about data security when choosing a Speech-to-Text API, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Essential Questions for Ensuring Speech-to-Text Data Security

As the adoption of Speech-to-Text (STT) technology continues to grow, ensuring the security of data processed by these systems is becoming increasingly crucial. According to AssemblyAI, developers should consider several key questions regarding data security before selecting a Speech-to-Text API for their projects.

Speech-to-Text Security and Data Concerns

Data security revolves around three fundamental problems: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Collectively known as the “security triad,” these principles guide how data should be handled and protected. APIs, while streamlining development, can introduce significant risks if not properly managed.

When selecting an STT API, developers should ensure that their chosen provider adheres to robust security practices to safeguard user data.

Critical Questions to Ask

1. Have I accounted for defense in depth while accounting for risk?

Not all data is equal, and safeguards should be proportionate to the sensitivity of the data. Sensitive files, such as those containing personal or financial information, require stringent security measures, including network segmentation and identity and access management (IAM). Utilizing transcription services with PII Redaction features can mitigate risks associated with sensitive data leaks.

2. Does the API provider adhere to industry standard frameworks?

Trust is fundamental in commerce, and adopting standardized cybersecurity frameworks can ensure the security of STT providers. Frameworks like NIST 800 series, AICPA SOC 2, and PCI Standards provide vetted practices for organizations to follow, reducing overhead and enhancing security program effectiveness.

3. How much transparency is provided in code-level controls?

Tools such as Software Composition Analysis (SCA) can offer greater transparency into the components used in APIs. SCAs help track dependencies and ensure that vulnerable code is not used in production, reducing security risks.

4. What technical controls are supporting the security of my data?


Encryption is vital for protecting data. Look for APIs that offer end-to-end encryption (E2EE), AES-256 encryption for data at rest and in transit, and TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3 for secure communication channels. Compliance with standards like FIPS 140-2 is also crucial.

Malware Prevention

Effective malware prevention measures are essential for maintaining operational integrity and protecting sensitive data from corruption.

Role-Based Access

Role-based access control (RBAC) limits data exposure to only those who need it, adhering to the principle of least privilege. Ensure your API provider implements a robust RBAC scheme.

Speech-to-Text Data Security Best Practices

Developers should seek APIs that:

  • Do not store raw audio/video files after transcription.
  • Keep encrypted versions of transcription files.
  • Handle sensitive data with care and do not share it without consent.
  • Follow transparent data handling policies.
  • Offer end-to-end encryption.
  • Regularly test and patch their products.
  • Perform regular security audits and updates.

5. What training have your developers had recently?

Regular cybersecurity training ensures that developers remain equipped with the latest data security practices. Training on adversarial techniques and frameworks like OWASP top 10 should be conducted annually.

Why Security Matters

Data is a valuable asset, and strong security practices build trust and maintain business viability. Examples from Zoom’s improved security measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and Apple’s commitment to privacy highlight the importance of robust data security practices.

Conversely, the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal underscores the consequences of inadequate data handling.

Maintain Confidence in Security and Speech-to-Text Privacy

AssemblyAI emphasizes the importance of transparent data security practices. Developers should partner with API providers that clearly outline their data security measures to ensure a trustworthy relationship.

For more detailed information, visit the AssemblyAI blog.

Image source: Shutterstock

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