Patrick Mahomes’ trainer defends ‘dad bod’ amid online criticism

Patrick Mahomes’ trainer defends ‘dad bod’ amid online criticism

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, known for his stellar performance on the field, has recently faced criticism for his physique. Dubbed the “dad bod” by some NFL fans, Mahomes has been the subject of online jokes and memes. However, his long-time trainer, Bobby Stroupe, is setting the record straight, defending Mahomes‘ body as a vital asset to his game.

The conversation around Mahomes‘ body began when fans pointed out his lack of a defined six-pack, a feature many expect from top athletes. Stroupe, who has been working with Mahomes since he was nine, was quick to dismiss these comments. “I’ll be the first to tell you that I think an NFL quarterback should have at least 14% body fat,” Stroupe stated. “It’s not unhealthy-it’s about force absorption.”

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Mahomes‘ trainer emphasizes that the additional body fat helps the quarterback withstand the intense physical toll of the NFL. “He needs that extra layer to absorb hits better than someone with a six-pack,” Stroupe explained. “It’s all part of keeping him durable and effective.”

Unconventional training for a unique athlete

Stroupe’s methods for training Mahomes go far beyond traditional weightlifting or cardio. His workouts incorporate gymnastics, javelin drills, and martial arts to ensure Mahomes is ready for anything on the field. “I don’t want him to look like a model. The way he plays demands a certain physicality, and that requires more body fat,” Stroupe added.

The comments surrounding Mahomes‘ physique are not new. The quarterback faced similar criticism last season when a shirtless photo of him during the playoffs went viral. Despite the negative attention, Mahomes laughed off the remarks, saying, “I thought we got the dad bod thing out of the way last season.”

Shutting down the haters, one win at a time

Mahomes, who has now been criticized for looking “bigger” at training camp, continues to dismiss the negativity with humor and confidence. When asked about the recent wave of body-shaming, he quipped that his loose-fitting shirt and backpack were to blame for the appearance, jokingly adding, “Hopefully one of these days, we can figure out how to get a looser t-shirt.”

Ultimately, Mahomes knows that his worth isn’t defined by superficial standards. With two Super Bowl rings and an MVP title under his belt, Mahomes has proven time and again that his body is built for success, regardless of what the critics say.

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