The Ice Man’s got an iced-out truck … and he ain’t afraid to show it off!!!
Check out the ride Chuck Liddell pulled up in at LAX earlier last week — it’s a custom 2005 H2 Hummer — and he tells TMZ Sports it’s an absolute blast to drive!!
The UFC legend says he actually first got it as a gift from Dana White for taking part in the UFC’s “Ultimate Fighter” show years ago — but, just recently, he had it a bit redone by a custom car shop.
Take a look at it … it’s got all the bells and whistles these days — including a big rack and customized paint job!!
Liddell says he gets a ton of use out of it too — off-roading in it frequently and even recently taking it out for a shooting sesh.
“It’s a fun car,” he told us.
There is one downside to it all, however … Chuck says the gas mileage ain’t great — but, hey, small price to pay for being so badass!!