Conspiracy Theorists Think They’ve Found A Gigantic “Doorway” In Antarctica On Google Maps

Conspiracy Theorists Think They’ve Found A Gigantic “Doorway” In Antarctica On Google Maps

Conspiracy theorists appear to believe that they have uncovered some sort of giant doorway at the top of Antarctica, to go nicely with the mysterious “pyramid” they got excited about in 2016.

People have discovered all sorts of oddities while browsing through Google Maps, from “aliens” and camera-hogging cats to the answer to decades-old cold cases. Occasionally, they can even find structures of scientific interest, for example when a man browsing Google Maps whilst planning a camping trip in Quebec potentially discovered the site of an ancient asteroid impact.

This latest find, doing the rounds on the Internet at the moment, to the southeast of the Japanese-run Showa Station, is of far less scientific interest. Spotted earlier this year and posted to the conspiracy board on Reddit, the “find” is a structure that doesn’t entirely look dissimilar to a giant door.

While people joked that it was “Bigfoot’s vacation home” or a shuttle from Star Trek, a more sensible suggestion is the obvious one; we’re probably looking at ice here, with a few interesting shadows cast across it. Whatever it is (and we’re talking “rock” or “ice-covered rock” here, rather than “alien artifact”) it looks like it might have blocked the way of snow, causing an interesting snow drift pattern. 

In fact, if you look ever so slightly to the northwest of the “doorway”, you can see several other chunks of ice with similar patterns around them. 

All we’re saying is; either the Illuminati and/or reverse vampires have found a field of ice chunks and cleverly designed a doorway to look like one (only to be foiled by someone browsing Google Maps), or we’re looking at a slightly rectangular big chunk of ice, very near many other similar chunks of ice.  We would suggest, gently, that it is the latter.

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