An alligator and a crocodile have been filmed getting into a tussle in (where else) South Florida. Fortunately, no reptiles were harmed in the making of this video, although a few nasty hisses and snaps were exchanged.
The two giant crocodilians were seen scuffling on March 19 along a sidewalk in Everglades National Park on the southernmost tip of Florida. This footage (below) was captured by Taylor Bonachea who said the two scaled beasts appeared to be fighting over a basking spot.
“The alligator goes into the water and leaves the immediate vicinity in defeat, and the croc gets her nice sunny spot to bask in the sun,” Bonachea told Storyful.
Such inter-species altercations are rare, as South Florida is the only place where the natural ranges of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) overlap, according to the USGS.
American alligators are found throughout the southeastern US, inhabiting freshwater environments such as lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Conversely, American crocodiles have a more limited distribution in North America, residing mainly in the coastal areas of southern Florida, as well as parts of the Caribbean and Central America.
How to tell if it’s a crocodile or alligator
Along with their range, there are some clear similarities between the two animals, as well as some significant differences. Perhaps the most obvious difference is that alligators have a more U-shaped snout while crocodiles have a slimmer, pointer, or V-shaped one. Additionally, crocodiles are generally greener and more tan-colored than alligators, which are typically dark-colored and gray.
The video suggests the alligator was outcompeted for space by the crocodile, which isn’t surprising given their differences. Crocodiles are generally more aggressive than alligators, and while both species can grow to large sizes, alligators tend to be smaller on average.
Crocodiles also prefer salty or brackish areas, which is why you’ll sometimes see them swimming in the sea, while alligators like to live in freshwater. However, as this recent video shows, their natural habitats can sometimes overlap in South Florida, especially when sun-bathing spots are in short supply.