Donald Duck and other Disney characters gain the powers of Marvel superheroes like Wolverine and Thor in upcoming What If comic books

Although Marvel Comics was purchased by Disney in 2009, it has taken them fifteen years to start publishing comic books based on characters from classic Disney cartoons. Uncle Scrooge McDuck is leading the Disney infiltration of Marvel Comics with Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime, which reaches store shelves next Wednesday, June 19th, and will see Uncle Scrooge battling a multiverse variant of himself. Then, later this year, we’ll get to see Donald Duck and other Disney characters gain the powers of Marvel superheroes in two separate issues of the What If…? comic book series. First up is What If Donald Duck Became Wolverine?, which is has a street date of July 31st. And on September 4th, Marvel will be releasing What If Donald Duck Became Thor?
What If Donald Duck Became Wolverine? is coming our way from the team of writer Luca Barbieri and artist Giada Perissinotto. Here’s the description: CELEBRATING THE 90th ANNIVERSARY OF DONALD DUCK AND THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF… WOLVERINE? In the most unexpected mashup of our time, we travel to the near future where chaos rules as PETE-SKULL has turned DUCKBURG into a super-hero-less WASTELAND. Only OLD DUCK DONALD can turn the tide but he’s given up his battling days and prefers naps and GRANDMA’s apple pie over fighting villains. But when MICKEY-HAWKEYE comes knocking at the door with GOOFY-HULK at his side, WOLVERINE-DONALD has to make a choice! Will a trip down memory lane change his mind to save the world or will the lure of the backyard hammock and a long nap keep him from popping his claws one last time? Featuring some of DONALD-WOLVERINE’S greatest moments!
Based on a plot by Steve Behling, What If Donald Duck Became Thor? is written by Riccardo Secchi, with art by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio. In this one, DONALD DUCK chaperones his nephews HUEY, DEWEY, and LOUIE on a class trip to a Viking ruin. It is here that he stumbles across the STONE DUCKS FROM SATURN preparing for an invasion of Earth. Luckily, Donald also uncovers an enchanted cane that grants him the power of the thunder god THOR!
The covers for What If Donald Duck Became Wolverine? and What If Donald Duck Became Thor? that were created by Giada Perissinotto and Lorenzo Pastrovicchio, respectively, can be seen below. To see some Donald Duck Thor variant covers, click over to Super Hero Hype.
What do you think of Disney characters making their way into Marvel Comics with Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime, What If Donald Duck Became Wolverine?, and What If Donald Duck Became Thor? Let us know by leaving a comment below.