Stephen Curry is on the short list to be the NBA’s Greatest of All Time. The Golden State Warriors star redefined the game single-handedly and is one of the pillars on which the modern era of the NBA is built; however, according to Theo Pinson, he is not the greatest point guard of all time.
A four-time NBA champion, MVP of the 2015 and 2016 seasons, MVP of the 2022 Finals, 11-time All-Star, and recipient of numerous other accolades, Curry’s case to be the GOAT is strong. Although LeBron James and Michael Jordan top the list, Curry can give either of them a run for their money.
Most analysts place Curry even above legends like Magic Johnson and Isiah Thomas at the point guard position. Despite this, Pinson, who is best known for the NCAA championship he won with North Carolina in 2017, removed Curry from the list of best point guards of all time, for an unpopular but important reason.
Isn’t Curry the greatest point guard of all time?
Speaking on the podcast “To The Baha,” Pinson bluntly stated that the Warriors’ star is not “the greatest point guard of all time. I don’t think of Stephen Curry as [a point guard], but he is the best shooter of all time.” The reason? His shoot-first style does not fit the traditional mold of a point guard.
Tyler Relph, another panelist, supported Pinson’s opinion, saying, “I don’t put him in the point guard mold because I don’t think he plays like a Chris Paul or like Isiah Thomas or Magic Johnson.”
In this regard, Pinson doubled down on his opinion, saying that fans and analysts consider Curry a point guard because of his height. “They say he’s a point guard because he’s short,” Pinson said, “If he wasn’t short,” he wouldn’t be considered a point guard.
What do fans say?
Pinson’s opinion provoked an immediate reaction from fans. Some agreed, while others blasted Pinson and Relph. Still, others pointed out that Curry revolutionized the position, which makes him the best PG of all time.
One fan took a more analytical approach-opening a whole different can of worms-saying, “They’re right. Curry is much more of an SG (shooting guard) than a PG, but they don’t want him listed as an SG because he can’t compete with the Jordans and Kobes.” In the end, history will put everyone in their place.