Gorilla Dicks, Life After Death, And Earth’s New (Mini) Moon

Gorilla Dicks, Life After Death, And Earth’s New (Mini) Moon

This week in Break It Down: Earth’s about to get a new mini-moon (if only for a while), ancient rock art may have been based on an extinct fossil, a “third state” identified between life and death, a truly supermassive black hole with jets spanning 23 million light-years, there’s a new blood group, and the remarkable reason why giant gorillas have tiny penises. Available on all your favorite podcast apps: Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodbeanAmazon Music, and more.

So sit back, relax, and Break It Down…


Earth’s new mini-moon

Fossil rock art

Life after death

Giant space jets

New blood group

Gorilla dicks

We Have Questions

Solar System

Are the drugs of the future coming from the deep ocean?

Antimicrobial resistance deaths

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