She wanted her hair cut OFF! – Beautifaire

She wanted her hair cut OFF! – Beautifaire

Let me start with saying that I love your channel!! I love your professionalism, the knowledge, and the care you give!! I believe a true beautician/hair dresser (gurl I’m middle aged with an old soul so I use some old terms) has a real calling…. The salon is a place of peace, therapy, and rejuvenation… A place to laugh, learn, share,  and sometimes a place to heal… That’s even true of some home based salons…. Clients become friends and professionals become family…. We walk out of a salon not only feeling pretty but we also feel happy & revived. I can tell that anywhere you are doing hair has those vibes. And I love how you focus on healthy hair!!!

Now as for the grey hair topic…. Well, I started getting greys in my 30s. I can’t remember which year though. The first grey hair I noticed freaked me out because I always just inherently knew that I would embrace going grey, but my 30s seemed waaayyy too early to me, lol.  But I got over the freak out early on and I am embracing my grey. It’s not a full head full but I have a decent share that I notice… I contemplate color from time to time but I never do it. I’ve been natural for over ten years now and for me natural means no heat no dye. I had a brief period where I got relaxed again, but to be honest I wasn’t really digging it at the time and I found myself pulling my hair  in a ponytail most days. Additionally, I couldn’t afford to maintain my hair professionally while it was relaxed so I did another big chop within a year. In my opinion relaxed hair requires the knowledge of a professional to maintain. I mean I can wash and style on off weeks if needed, but I need to have my hair professionally cared for at least every two weeks when it’s relaxed. Cause leave it up to me and those flat irons & curling irons ain’t gone be tempered right….. Imma do like five or more passes on each section… Imma randomly cut it uneven when I get tired of it cause length and I do not get along…. And it’s just gone end up being a damaged mess….

Look at me going on and on as I tend to do…. That was way too much information, lol. Thanks for inviting your viewers opinions. #MoreHair

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