What if an Earthling and Someone From Outer Space Became Pen Pals?

What if an Earthling and Someone From Outer Space Became Pen Pals?

After a chance encounter, an extragalactic being and a citizen of Earth strike up a friendship and decide to keep in touch.

Haruka Aoki is an artist, illustrator and author.

ImageAn illustrated comic shows four panels outlined in yellow. Above this grid reads text: “Letter No. 1. Letters From Earthling. It was just a few weeks ago …” The first comic panel shows two comets speeding in opposite directions. Text between them reads: “When two comets simultaneously whooshed across the skies of two planets …” The next panel shows the outline of two figures next to a tree beneath the speeding comets. Text on this panel reads: “ … allowing an extragalactic being to briefly visit Earth and meet one very startled Earthling.” Panel three shows a figure in a floral hat holding a steaming mug of tea. The figure looks out a window and text reads: “This was the start of their long friendship.” The final panel shows a hand holding an envelope in front of a tree hollow. Text on this panel reads: “As it was impossible to teleport to the same planet again, they decided to stay in touch through letters.”

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