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WHO EMRO | EHA homepage | Emergencies

“We either leave or die” a Sudanese migrant recently arrived in Egypt told WHO

“We either leave or die” a Sudanese migrant recently arrived in Egypt told WHO


Cairo, 24 May 2023 – Over 248 000 people have crossed the border from Sudan into neighbouring Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan, to flee the insecurity resulting from the fighting in the country and lack of access to health services due to repeated armed attacks on health facilities. Below is a brief conversation between WHO and a Sudanese man who, along with his parents and siblings, spent 17 days on the journey getting from Khartoum to Cairo.

If you had to choose one word to describe the situation in Khartoum, what would it be?


Is everyone you know unharmed?

Unfortunately, not. My extended family is still there; some of their homes were looted.

Read the whole conversation

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