Why are so many individuals wearing elf ears? – Beautifaire

Why are so many individuals wearing elf ears? – Beautifaire

So rather more than simply a beauty trend, we meet the people adorning themselves with prosthetic elf ears as a way of expressing their true identities

Not confined to the world of larping or yearly Halloween costumes, an increasing number of persons are introducing plastic or latex elf ear prosthetics into their on a regular basis wear. Why? Since it allows them to specific something about their true selves that more mainstream make-up won’t. Whether it’s using ears to boost their innate beauty or wearing them to totally transform their natural selves, we spoke to seven individuals championing the style to seek out out more. 

Ayesha Tan Jones AKA YaYa Bones, musician and multidisciplinary artist, London

How did you get into elf ears?
I’ve only recently acquired a pair of elf ears, an incredible custom pair with studs and chains made by my magical friend Wolfe_chains. They gifted me a pair of ears at Shambala festival this summer, where I used to be playing a set as my musical alias YaYa Bones, on the festival’s first ever queer healing space. As soon as they put them on me, it was as if the ears had all the time been there.

What’s it about looking human that you just’re rejecting?
I do not think I’m rejecting anything, just expanding the thought of what it’s to be a creature on this plane. Adding some oddness to your every day dose of normal does society good.

While you put them on, do they feel a part of your body or are you aware they’re prosthetics?
They fall off once I am skateboarding or hula hooping (my two fav sports) so all of it feels a bit clumsy. Also, my skin is barely more brown than the ears. Most (inexpensive) elf ears you discover online are just one skin tone: white/pink. That’s a problem, as I’m pretty sure the true elf-folk of the opposite realms are multicultural.

What reactions do you get to your ears from other people?
People like it. In the event that they know me, it is smart, it’s just a visible extension of my spirit.

Freyja Newsome, artist, London

Why do you wear elf ears?
I just thought they were a very fun and cute thing so I purchased a number of different styles and commenced wearing them. It wasn’t anything deep, I just love fantasy and folklore and wanted to only sort of extend my appearance to mirror that.

What’s it about looking human that you just’re rejecting?
It’s fucking boring first off, but I’m probably not rebelling against anything. Some people feel beautiful after they get their hair done on the salon, or on their wedding day or after they’ve just had a pleasant bath or whatever. I feel beautiful and cozy like this, but I don’t ‘need’ the ears to feel that way, it’s just what I like doing.

Do you’re feeling otherworldly?
I don’t think otherworldly is correct for me personally, like I do know I’m still a human being and something so superficial as a prosthetic doesn’t broaden my mind in that way.

Would you make your ears permanently like this?
Yeah, I would like to get my ears pointed and my tongue split.

What reactions do your ears get from other people? How does it make you’re feeling?
People generally just wanna touch them and steal them. I don’t really get many negative reactions around London but I believe if I wore them back home in West Yorkshire it may be a bit different because people just aren’t really used to shit like that, whereas in London even when someone hasn’t seen it before it’s still sort of anything goes.

Tomasyn Hayes, artist, Brooklyn

Why do you wear elf ears?
I wear these ears in order that my outward appearance can match how I feel on the within. I first received these ears on the Renaissance Fair a 12 months ago. They were the biggest and only pair of “goblin” ears they’d. I used to be the one one who wanted them and something about that made it feel like they were meant for me. I felt completely empowered wearing them.

Do they make you’re feeling beautiful?
Beauty, on the surface, isn’t really a goal of mine. When I even have my ears on, just like every look I do, I completely melt into that look. I often forget that I even have these items on and wonder concerning the questions I receive once I’m in them.

In the event you could redesign the way you look, what would you add?
I’d add wings and elongated ears. These additions can be equal parts vanity and functionality. But because I exist on this realm, I’d then be an outsider to the common human existence and feel a loneliness that reaches down in my core. I’d never wish to be my heightened self and still must do things like get on the train or go to a job, nor would I would like to be a spectacle. That is lame. I’d like to see what my soul looks like.

What sort of reactions do you get?
I do not wear my ears for public response nor do I take care of public critique. I hope that seeing me in my truth can encourage others to shed themselves from any restrictions they’ve taken with their creative expression.

Smin Smith, stylist, and founding father of Vagina Dentata, London

Why do you wear elf ears?
Religion and society have put the “natural” (normally white) cis body on a pedestal for much too long. I believe there’s an authenticity in what we decide to control about our appearances, it says more about us than anything we occur to have been born into. I first began wearing elf ears in self-portraits about six years ago whilst studying photography after which began including them in my styling work last 12 months. My practice has all the time been influenced by science-fiction, fantasy, and costume. They’re quite an easy and powerful option to take the body away from strictly “human”.

Do they make you’re feeling beautiful?
I don’t think it’s about beauty for me, it’s more about appearing “otherworldly” and I find their pointed structure brings a more powerful look to the face. They distort the body away from traditional “beauty” ideals and subsequently reject the male gaze.

In the event you could completely redesign your appearance, with none restrictions, limits, or expectations, what would you appear to be?
I’d have blue skin to match my already vivid blue hair, with large pointed ears, and doubtless some robotic limbs that’d be much more practical than our own.  I’d like to be even shorter as well, like two foot tall but with insane strength.

Would you make your ears permanently like this?
It’s the one cosmetic surgery I’ve ever considered. I really like that we as a society are starting to contemplate body manipulation as a tool for expression, as opposed to a different way of enforcing Eurocentric beauty standards.  

Taelour Moore, student, Florida

Why do you wear elf ears?
I wear ears because I believe they provide an interesting value to my art, something about it just adds an additional level of creativity and may complete a glance lots of the time. I began wearing them due to my friend @itgirlcomet. She has this whole elfin fantasy look that I assumed was dope so I made it my very own for some time. 

What’s it about looking human that you just’re rejecting?
Normal beauty standards. I used to be all the time teased as a toddler for having big ears (which is hilarious and ridiculous). I just notice so many individuals needing to feel like they fit that perfect model of a stick thin waist, a giant ass, and to have certain features that appeal to everyone, and I prefer to sort of ignore that sometimes and just create a creature that I believe is ideal – something beautiful in my very own eyes.

Lucas Tate, fashion student, London

Why do you wear elf ears?
To present myself as I would love people to see me depending on what character I would like to be that day. I used to be fascinated by fantasy and sci-fi and desperately desired to have pointy ears and appear to be I used to be some otherworldly creature. They make me feel empowered. I really like the sensation of being different.

Does that come from a desire to live in a special sort of society?  
Yes, definitely. I wish there was rather more diversity in people and in what’s around me.

In the event you could completely redesign your appearance, with none restrictions, limits, or expectations, what would you appear to be?
I’d have patterned skin like in Avatar and make areas of it transparent. I’d alter my face so it was sharper and provides myself a cute pointy nose and alter my eye color and likewise perhaps make myself smaller. My eyes can be further apart and my teeth can be pointed and sharp.

Do you connect with other individuals who also wear elf ears?
I actually don’t know of anyone else unfortunately but I sort of prefer it that option to be honest.

What reactions do you get to your ears from other people?
I get the craziest reactions. People take pictures of me in all places, with and without asking. People laugh or shout stuff – positive and negative. Persons are scared, people ask me why or what am I. Some people think they’re real. They cause such a drama. But I like it.

Harry Charlesworth, artist, Recent York

Why do you wear elf ears?
I would like my outsides to feel as magical as my insides. I began wearing ears one night in NYC, hosting Ladyfag’s 11:11. Stawecki, Aquaria and I made a decision to do coordinated looks with prosthetics. I desired to go for an attractive goblin look. There’s something concerning the ears that feel like such a natural extension of my character. I felt powerful. Since I used to be little I’ve all the time been obsessive about anime. Lots of characters often have pointed ears and I believe the most important attraction comes from there.

Do you’re feeling beautiful?
I do feel beautiful. I haven’t all the time felt beautiful in make-up. I’ve gone out loads of nights knowing I look a large number or that I’d scare people off with how I look. There’s a freedom and a beauty in that sentiment too. That era of my looks gave me a possibility to navigate my feelings about my very own gender and the way I present myself to the world. I believe make-up has made me begin to understand my masculinity, oddly enough. Doing make-up with the ears which is more genderless relatively than purely feminine makes me feel really comfortable in my skin.

Do you connect with other individuals who also wear elf ears?
I even have friends who also wear ears but I don’t think it’s much of a community around just wearing prosthetics. Everyone has their very own individual look and aesthetic. I do feel a kinship to individuals who appreciate the identical sorts of beauty as I do… so in that way, we’re connected.


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