Woolly Mice, 3D-Printed Penises, And The World’s Worst Sting

Woolly Mice, 3D-Printed Penises, And The World’s Worst Sting

This week on Break It Down: Colossal Biosciences creates the “woolly mouse” in their mission to de-extinct the mammoth, scientists 3D-print functional penises (and have the babies to prove their efficacy), that gaping hole in the ozone layer really is repairing, IFLScience asks why so few international organizations have responded to Trump and Musk’s attack on US science, humans have been making bone tools 1 million years longer than we realized, and what’s the most painful bug sting? One brave scientist penned poetic descriptions of their experiences. Available on all your favorite podcast apps: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, Amazon Music, and more.

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So, sit back, relax, and let’s Break It Down…


Woolly mouse

Elephant pluripotent stem cells

Vaccine for baby elephants

3D-printed penis

Ozone hole recovering

Attack on science response

Bone tool use

4 worst insect stings

Blob-headed fish

CURIOUS magazine

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